August 28, 2009
August 21, 2009

I immediately panicked, as we had not heard anything from TDH since Daddy had mailed our Application in on Aug14. I urgently sent an email inquiry to TDH asking if someone could get back to me as soon as possible, confirming whether or not we made it in on time. The thought of having to start all over was a horrible feeling and I began to feel my heart sinking…but just then (as I was talking to Nanny, who was trying to calm me down) I received a reply email. I started at it for a few moments (scared to open it), took a deep breathe with Nanny still on the phone with me and began to cry uncontrollable tears of joy as I read;
Hello Jennifer,
I received your application this morning!
Do not worry, you will be placed on the preliminary waitlist.
I left you a message on your voicemail at home asking you to send the registration fee and that you had just made the cut-off.
Cheers! Manon
Phew, we just made it by a few days, but we are almost on the list. We are SO happy!
August 14, 2009
We filled out and mailed our official Preliminary Application to Terres Des Hommes.
Daddy and I went for supper tonight, to celebrate the first step taken with our selected Agency; the mailing of our Application for a Vietnam Adoption. As part of the TDH forms, we had to write a paragraph on why we want to adopt – this is what we wrote to them:
From the very beginning of our relationship more than nine years ago, we spoke about how important it was for us to be a family. We love children and without them in our lives something very important is missing. We both come from large families and so when we finally married two years ago, we knew we wanted to have children. The need to become parents has been what has led us and our hearts here to writing this letter with the utmost sincerity... When we learned of the many children around the world, specifically in Vietnam, in need of loving homes, we knew this was our calling. After a few years of attempting to become pregnant, we have accepted that this may never be a possibility. To us, the importance of becoming a family truly out weighs the method in which it occurs – as the addition of a child or children would finally make our family whole and this is why we want to adopt. We feel we have a lot to offer a child(s), as they would us. Dirk and I have a wonderful, fun loving relationship. We have grown together over the years, supporting each other with all endeavours, over coming many of life’s obstacles and still our love and life together continues to grow stronger and better with every passing day. We have a wonderful family surrounding us, filled with love, laughter, support and encouragement and if we are fortunate enough to be able to share our lives with that of an adopted child(s), we will devote everything we have, and everything we are to making sure their life is filled with joy and happiness. We thank you with all our hearts for considering us and for helping to make our dreams of a “complete” family come true.
Daddy and I went for supper tonight, to celebrate the first step taken with our selected Agency; the mailing of our Application for a Vietnam Adoption. As part of the TDH forms, we had to write a paragraph on why we want to adopt – this is what we wrote to them:
From the very beginning of our relationship more than nine years ago, we spoke about how important it was for us to be a family. We love children and without them in our lives something very important is missing. We both come from large families and so when we finally married two years ago, we knew we wanted to have children. The need to become parents has been what has led us and our hearts here to writing this letter with the utmost sincerity... When we learned of the many children around the world, specifically in Vietnam, in need of loving homes, we knew this was our calling. After a few years of attempting to become pregnant, we have accepted that this may never be a possibility. To us, the importance of becoming a family truly out weighs the method in which it occurs – as the addition of a child or children would finally make our family whole and this is why we want to adopt. We feel we have a lot to offer a child(s), as they would us. Dirk and I have a wonderful, fun loving relationship. We have grown together over the years, supporting each other with all endeavours, over coming many of life’s obstacles and still our love and life together continues to grow stronger and better with every passing day. We have a wonderful family surrounding us, filled with love, laughter, support and encouragement and if we are fortunate enough to be able to share our lives with that of an adopted child(s), we will devote everything we have, and everything we are to making sure their life is filled with joy and happiness. We thank you with all our hearts for considering us and for helping to make our dreams of a “complete” family come true.
August 12, 2009
Today, we announced to both our parents and your Aunty Chantale that we began the process to bring you home. They are all very excited, as are we. We asked Chantale to be your legal guardian should anything happen to us. She accepted immediately and said she would be honoured!
August 11, 2009
I did our preliminary draft of forms to send with cheque for our PRIDE Training; will have Daddy double check before sending. Must go to the bank and switch funds over. Cheque sent! Phew.
August 9, 2009
Martha wrote me back, attaching our outline for costs, dates and times. Daddy and I will fill these out over the next few days and send them off on Wednesday with our payment included.
August 8, 2009
Went online, found directory for up coming PRIDE Training courses – the next available date is in October, so I have sent an email out to the Director asking for the Registry Application.
August 7, 2009
I sent an email to Diane as soon as I got into work. To my surprise, she did not write back to me but rather decided to call instead. I was not prepared for a verbal discussion however I was really excited to hear a real voice on the other end. She was filled with information, answered many of my questions and concerns, staying on the phone with me for over an hour. She mentioned that she was not going to take on any further cases on for quite awhile but after speaking with me she said we sounded like wonderful candidates and she would take us on and make an exception. I have never felt luckier. Granted, there were other people we could call, but she had been mentioned several times during my research and she came highly recommend by the Agency we are considering. She explained the process for the Homestudy, timing and costs involved. I'm looking forward to getting started.
We will have 6 meetings in total, with the first beginning on September 9h, 2009 at 11 o’clock – over the duration of 9+ months. Although 9 months sounds like along time, other practitioners are running over a year. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we get you! My motivation is at an all time high. There will be a lot of paper work to fill out so we will need this extra time to stay on track of all demands required.
In the mean time, she suggested I register us for the mandatory PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education) training, which is put on by the Children’s Aid Society of Ontario. It is a total of 4 days, over the course of two weekends. We need to have this course completed before Diane can close our file and send it to the Agency.
We will have 6 meetings in total, with the first beginning on September 9h, 2009 at 11 o’clock – over the duration of 9+ months. Although 9 months sounds like along time, other practitioners are running over a year. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we get you! My motivation is at an all time high. There will be a lot of paper work to fill out so we will need this extra time to stay on track of all demands required.
In the mean time, she suggested I register us for the mandatory PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education) training, which is put on by the Children’s Aid Society of Ontario. It is a total of 4 days, over the course of two weekends. We need to have this course completed before Diane can close our file and send it to the Agency.
August 1, 2009
It was only 4 days ago that I sent the email inquiry to Diane and yet I already feel so nervous. We have so many thing to do to prepare for your arrival but still I wish the wait was not so long. I hear from online chatting that there is going to be a lot of confusing paperwork to fill out as we go along but I don’t care what it takes because I know it will all be worth it.
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